воскресенье, 23 июня 2013 г.

Poisonous Foods To Cats

Cats will sometimes beg for food, but you must be aware that certain foods given to cats are toxic,Giving cats the foods that you eat is not an encouraged. There are a number of foods and medications that are poisonous to cats,A few of them are cocoa (chocolate), aspirin, sodium nitrate (used in hot dogs), caffeine. human foods poisonous to cats Cats are generally more sensible than dogs when it comes to eating things they shouldn't, however there are still a few things. Dogs and cats are curious by nature, particularly when it comes to food,They're , the same foods as us — some food can be toxic and even deadly to their health. Toxic Foods For Dogs And Cats,While we all like to think of our cats and dogs as members of the family, we have to remember that they are not HUMAN. The idea of preparing specialized food for cats came later than for dogs (see, to neglect feeding a cat, is to render him at the same time useless and harmful.
However, certain foods can be dangerous to your pet causing varying degrees of illness,Some food is toxic due to ingredients and some by improper cooking.

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